May 28, 2005


DanceFan brings up and interesting point about secret lives- that it is pertinent to his blogging life. I feel similarly. This blog allows me to say what I need to. Things I might not even share with my closest friends (most would be shocked and appalled to find out about it). It is a wonderful release. And as I have found it can be a great way to find support. (I have tried out message boards for various support in the past but have found that you need to obsessively check on them or you can be out of the loop in a day or so). I certainly never expected to be as widely read as Violet Blue or Eros Blog, it is nice to know that some do visit my humble little corner of the interwebnet. (Especially when there's feedback.)


Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

keep on blogging, Wants!;-) Thank you for giving us insightful things on sex to read!

Jefferson said...

Thanks for linking me, WantsandNeeds. It brought me to your blog.

I look forward to reading more.