Jun 30, 2005


I have long thought that the religious right spends way too much energy on gay porn. Looking at it, ranting about it, collecting 'examples' of it. Sometimes people fixate upon something that they want but cannot have. Not that I'm saying that every members of the religious right are closet homos, but sometimes you gotta wonder......

Buzinski may be on to something when he suggests that anti-gay zealots who are overly preoccupied with homosexual sexual activities may be harboring homoerotic desires of their own. While psychologists with expertise in the area of sexuality interviewed for this piece generally agree that anti-gay organizations and individuals use the supposed sexual practices of gay people to arouse anger and action among their supporters, they also suggest there may be other things that are aroused by their use of such sexually explicit material.

I guess that projecting hatred of yourself onto total strangers is easier than dealing with the problem of your innermost sexual desires being at odds with your beliefs about what constitues 'normal'. I feel bad for people like that.

(via Fleshbot)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I remember aright there is a test that checks the blood flow to the penis in response to objects.

One study showed a high correlation between homophobia and hidden homoerotic desire.