Jun 6, 2005

I like it like that

Private Booth is a blog I recently found out about.

The authors, Kim and Victoria, write that:

In fortunate circumstances, we may find close friends with whom we can reveal some of our more humorous, humbling, and occasionally horrific incidents in the pursuit of carnal knowledge. And surprisingly, experiences or desires that we thought were singularly embarrassing, kinky, or emotionally raw are often received with a knowing nod from our friends.

They really hit on the reason that I blog- that at this point in my life I am not surrounded by people who I feel that way about. I miss those close friends dearly but somehow sporadic phone conversations don't have the same effect. Thanks to the gals at Private Booth for making me realize just how special those people were to me.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you are as confused as YOU think you are....You know yourself pretty well, you are just trying identify what really matters to you..... This is a GREAT place (as is blogging) to process that stuff :)

Enjoy the search, don't fret it!

Lee :)

me said...

Well put. Thanks for the compliment