Jan 10, 2006

Hot monogamy

Believe it or not I've been having some rather hot sex in a monogamous relationship-type thing for the past little while. Not exactly monogamy by choice.... more like lack of other choices, but I'm OK with that. I've been so busy with the new job and the move that I haven't had a chance to scout out any 'special friends' in my new city. But the Boytoy visits often and he's quite good to me in bed. The boy likes to lick pussy like no one I've ever met! His enthusiasm is like out of a porno or something.

I have finally met someone who is open-minded about sex. And his enthusiam is infectious. He makes me feel really, truly sexy and doesn't withhold the compliments (but doesn't sound fake or insincere). I don't usually rely on men to make myself feel sexy and sensual but it is nice when they can make you feel that way.

It is so great that he's not threatened by the use of sex toys in bed. Other men have have expressed that they were a bit scared to be compared to the orgasm-giving power of a vibe. Not this one. He's all for the toys. I even bought him a cockring some time ago (still haven't had a chance to try it out yet).

It's a wonderful situation, as we care about each other deeply- body, mind, and soul. (There are some things that get me down but it's not worth depressing everyone by telling them. I'm trying to live in the moment and celebrate the combo of great psychic and physical chemistry.

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1 comment:

Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

good for you, bustygal!!

I am VERY green;-)