Creative dickering
A thought- if a guy has a small penis and can't use it creatively or find other ways to please me I'm not very interested in sleeping with him. Rule of thumb (or dick?)- he gets 3 chances. 3 strikes and he's out.
Bite-sized erotica with some personal obervations thrown into the mix. Yum!
A thought- if a guy has a small penis and can't use it creatively or find other ways to please me I'm not very interested in sleeping with him. Rule of thumb (or dick?)- he gets 3 chances. 3 strikes and he's out.
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4:45 PM
Three? Most guys get one. Maybe two. But three? You're generous.
Yeah, I give two tops. ONe can be written off as newness nervousness, but by two they better improve and be willing to take direction
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