May 27, 2005


This article found on Adult Backwash discusses the common sex blunders that women make. I have a beef.

On Boring Foreplay:

One common complaint men have about women's approach to foreplay is that women just plop there, la-dee-da, as if strapped to a lounge chair on a pleasure cruise, not lifting a finger. Some guys wish they had a more sizzling, less passive lover who enjoyed sex as much as they do, and who would occasionally make fantasies come true.

Sometimes when we women get too giving during foreplay the man doesn't last too long after the foreplay is done. With some guys 'passive' foreplay ensures that you don't get a Minute Man (embarrassing for both parties.).

On Fantasy Dampers:

First remember that the biggest threat for a woman in sharing your sexual fantasies is unfavorable comparison. She assumes that if you fantasize about something, you want it for real, and if you're not fantasizing specifically about her, you don't love her as much as you did. Her repulsion to your fantasy may more accurately be her fear of failing to live up to your wishes.

Nope, not always. Some fantasies are just repulsive to me because of the act you wish us to perform. I'm thinking " want to put what in where?!.....". I don't feel compelled to live up to your wishes if what you're asking me to do is outside my comfort zone (in a bad way).

....but women tend to fantasize more about thrilling relationships than sexual activities. Gross generalization. And besides, how do you know what's in my head?

On Sexual Guilt and Shame:
Women often play with guilt and shame as a subtle means of manipulating foreplay to tone down the heat of sex. They may feel a need for more romance than their lovers are giving. They may feel morally repulsed by what their man wants. They may be bored by the sex they have, and may choose the rhetoric of guilt and shame to cool your jet and avoid sex altogether.

Or we avoid sex because our partners don't take our needs into account. This is the second allusion to women as delicate creatures who long only for romance and flowers and long talks about our feelings....What century do we live in again?

On Sexual Vampires:

When some women dress and act in seductive ways, they're venting their anger at men. They frustrate men by leading them on, then leaving them cold, 'the classic cocktease'. Or like strippers and hookers, they capitalize on their sex appeal for gain. Lonely men are the usual victims, as they're more willing to put up with the bull to get to the sweets, which in this case may never arrive. If is happens, the sex is often angry. She's seething inside even when she's being wild. She's not bubbling over with warmth; rather, she looks icy and may talk with a sharp tongue. Other sexual vampires are needy women who suck your energy with their demands for constant attention.

Where do I even begin with this? Sure, there are some women who fit this description and I resent that this important piece of information is left out.


Anonymous said...

on the foreplay issue - I certainly dont come after 1 minute of penetration when Ive been involved in lots of foreplay...

In fact I think foreplay is the best bit! More more more!!

me said...

Don't mean to imply that all men do.....but I've experienced my share of men who get too excited too quickly.

Fall River Architects said...

Very nice blog you have hhere