May 21, 2005

Married Sex

I saw Married Friend a few days ago. I had dropped something off at his place of employment. We've both been busy in our own lives, so I hadn't seen him much lately. A nice visit. Lots of sexual tension. But I just did my best to ignore my urges.

He called me later to remind me just how much he wanted me.

Sigh. I (like any person) loves to hear how much I am desired by another. I long to touch him. Have his tongue slide down my neck to my breasts. To my navel. And beyond......

The flirting is fine. He's married, not dead. But this married with a kid thing really eats at me. If he has problems in his marriage he has to work those out. I don't think that participating in anything extra-curricular will really help the situation at home. I do feel bad that their sex life seems to have degraded to nonexistent with the birth of the kid, but that is for them to work out. [At the same time it doesn't seem fair to keep denying your husband (or wife) sex and then wonder why they might want to seek it out elsewhere. But that's another topic for another time.] I don;t know enough about their marriage to know how the wife feels about things such as infidelity (I've met her once or twice, both times very brief). I don't know what she might consider "cheating" . Or even where he thinks the line might be crossed. I suppose that how he deals with his guilt is not for me to worry about. I also don't know enough about the wife to know if she is one of those scary territorial women who might come after me if she even thinks something is going on (which it is not- that was an isolated incident).

But she can't stop me from fantasizing.


Some Woman said...

I too, always have such a crisis of conscience when I consider sleeping with a guy who has kids. That's why I don't do that anymore. Unless he's also single.

Harold F said...

Thank youu for sharing this