May 19, 2005


I began this blog as a way to let off steam about things that I desperately want to say in my 'real life' but cannot for various reasons. I am pleasantly surprised to see that I seem to have (at least) some readers. I can be a spaz about posting sometimes. This is defiantly not a blog that I can update at work or while friends are around, looking over my shoulder (which my boss has taken to doing kind of often lately, perhaps due to bordem on Boss' part). It contains some of my most intimate thoughts about intimacy, sex, myself, and my fantasies. Sometimes it is tough to find the (private) time do this. Sometimes it is difficult to get myself in the right mindset. Often my muse comes from reading the erotic/sexy/uninhibited blogs and journals that can be found on my blogroll. You all inspire me- to be more adventurous sexually, to be a better writer, to get to know myself in a new way. If I haven't said so, thank you.

1 comment:

laura the tooth said...

wants: sorry this does not pertain to your post, but i am now at

yellowcurious is gone--the co-blogger got spiteful, so i had to take my owrk with me. i would really appreciate it if you would update the link to lauratooth instead.
