Jun 12, 2005

Size Matters- Part II

Don't apologize for having an undersized member.

It's just awkward. And it ruins the mood. Not that I'm going to be yelling "Oh you're so big!" but we can both at least pretend that its not an issue. (It is an issue, but I'll never be so rude as to say that to someone who has a small penis). I mean, I'm gonna notice the size whether you say something or not.
And what I am supposed to do? Say "it's OK your dick is roughly the size of an asthma inhaler?" That's just going to hurt your feelings and make me feel like a huge bitch. (Unless this is what you're into...but that's not the situation I was presented with...at least I don't think so...).

{Been boiling up inside of me for a while}

Addendum: (unfurling and ekbeansah have probed me to be more communicative)
It's that randomly apologized the moment I laid hand on his dick. The randomness took me by suprise. It made it real and infinitely more awkward than it needed to be. And now my primary memory of that drunken experince isn't the fab snogging and licking and desperate tugging at each others clothes, but that apology.


Anonymous said...

I've never thought of asthma inhallers that way before. . .

Anonymous said...

the thing is... Size is an everpresent in sex. Wont ever go away. Be it tiny, middling or huge, with a new partner, you're both thinking about it.

me said...

thank you. I pride myself on my creative mind.

Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

cracking up...your entry is oh-so-mysterious.

Care to elaborate a bit, please?

Some Woman said...

I'm with you. It becomes something impossible to ignore once the apology is out of the mouth. It's something that must be "dealt with" instead of something to be worked with if you get my drift. I certainly get yours....

me said...

what part would you like me to elaborate on?

Pronto said...

ah, penis size.... it always seems to be an interesting post topic, and one that garners all kinds of responses.

Your asthma inhaler comment is cute! Good one!

And yes, I thank the lord, or my genes, or whatever, that I was blessed with one sizeably larger than that. Not bragging, just saying....

Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

wants, got it--just needed re-reading. I always was a bit slow;-)

you're basically saying that there was no need for the guy to have apologised about having a small dick...cos it broke the mood to some extent...