Jul 6, 2005


(Via Fred and Wilma)

Do you mind sex questions? Nope.
Have you had sex with two guys in the same 24-hour period? Yep.
Have you had sex in a public place? Many, many times..
Do you like having your hair pulled during sex? Sometimes.
Do you like being spanked during sex? Sometimes. But not extended spanking, more like fun smack on the ass every now and then.
Do you swallow? Nope. I like to watch it shoot out.

What's your favorite position, reverse cowgirl? I like being on top!
Do you go crazy and bounce up and down? When I'm enthusiastic about the sex.

Do you like it from behind? Yes
Are your breasts sensitive? Only if caressed by talented hands.
Does getting your nipples kissed turn you on? Yes! Lots of nipple kissing, please. That's why i got 'em pierced.

Have you licked your own nipple? Yep.

Have you had a cock between your breasts? Yep. It's a fun thing to do once in a while, if you don't mind the chafing.
Do you think you would like two guys doing you at the same time? Yes. I'd relish being the center of attention. Tried it once. Would do it again in a second.

Have you kissed girls? Yes
With tongue? Yes
Was it in front of guys? Yes
Have you done more than kiss a girl? Some fondling.
Have you played with a guy's ass? Not that part.
Have you sucked balls? Yes
Has a guy asked you to do something and you've said no? Yes. Recently someone asked me for a bj and I politely turned him down.
Have you ever cheated? Yes.
Do you own a vibrator? Yes
When a guy is going down on you, will you grab his head and move it to the right spot if need be? I try to shift my body into a more pleasing position as long as it's not too contorted. I've learned that you try to shift their head and then they just ove it back into that first position again.
Your first blow job, did he ask? Don't remember
Was it the same guy you lost your virginity to? Nope
Did he return the favor? Don't rememeber

Have you ever had cyber sex? Sure. Who hasn't?
Have you ever masturbated in front of someone? Yes.

Have you given a blow job to a guy while he is driving? Yes, and luckily we didn't die.
Have you been caught masturbating? Nope.
Have you been walked in on having sex? Yes.
Have you ever been to a strip club? Yes.
Have you had anal? Nope. Doesn't interest me.
Have you had your ass licked? Nope.
Did you like it?
Is this quiz over? Seems like it.


Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

some interesting responses that can easily double as stories in their own way--such as being caught having sex, or being sandwiched between two guys:-)


laura the tooth said...

not related to this post, but since you wanted to know, i found your blog via comments (at the time, i didn;t have a sitemeter). since i'm such a chepskate, i won;t pay for an advanced version that tells me alot more about the person that visited, so i resorted to the query. with the barebines tracker that i ahve, i at least can see how long they've been there, and what time zone, the referring url (if there is one) and what browser they use. but that says nothing about the person they are. so this visitor is on the site maybe over 2 hours--and not one peep. so i'm curious.

as for my raw stats as one of your blog readers: i'm from socal, female, 28, in retail and i substitute teach. i'm also asian (mostly anyway--the full inventory is chinese, spanish, german, and russian). pwoplw who know and see me think i look like all i do is spend my days dating jocks and frat boys. well, i did date a bunch of jocks with nice round asses, so i have my shallow moments. but people do make the assumption that i'm shallow, though once i open my mouth, they understand immediately that i have a sick and twisted sense of humor.

btw--i have bought a custom made baseball shirt that says: FREE prostate exams available upon request. it's a tight fitting shirt, and the words will be squarely centered on my boobs. i can't wait to wear it to disneyland.

Jstine said...

I'm specially happy with your answers suggesting you may be bi-curious (or whatever the formulation is). Fondling another girl is soooooo intense, and I'd love to be the next one in your experimentation!

Kisses, Justine