Oct 26, 2005

Survey says....

I ran across some interesting survey conclusions recently while wasting time at work. I feel sad that because I am an educated woman I am less likely to be orgasmic, thought I wouldn't say that I have a low sex drive. In fact I feel that I spend a lot of time 'keeping it in my pants'.

It may well be that highly educated women are different from less-educated women in many respects. Maybe they have higher standards . . . higher expectations and legitimately lower evaluations. They may be living much busier, much more stressful lives," said William Fisher...

I can identify with the stressed out part. A new job, a move, in addition to the stress of daily life have had my libido in a bit of a freefall lately. As for having higher expectations of my partners because I'm well educated, I'm not sure about that. I think I might have high expectations because I'm a modern woman who grew up in post-feminist times.

However, the researchers did not have enough data to determine whether the social and personal indicators actually caused women's sexual problems.
"Is it contraceptive use or is it something that varies along with contraceptive use?" Prof. Fisher said. "For example, people tend to use condoms . . . early in relationships so it may well be that it's not condom use, it's being in a new relationship where you're still working out the details with a partner."

I agree on both parts. I dislike condoms (but use them unless I'm in a long term monogamous period) and it does take a while to settle into a sexual groove with your partner.

The study also found that women whose male partners experienced problems sustaining erections or premature ejaculation were more likely to have concerns about their own sexual function. For example, 61 per cent of women whose partners had erectile dysfunction said their sex drive was lower than they would like. Just 46 per cent of respondents whose partners did not have problems reported low sexual desire.

I can't understand why a woman would have concerns about her sexual function because her partner fired his warning shot a little too early. I view that as his problem, not hers. And it could be a problem for him because she just excites him so damn much.

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