Dec 24, 2005


Debbie tagged me.

And now presenting My Five Weird Habits:

1. I still like to sleep with a stuffed animal, even though I am of legal age and can drink, gamble, and vote. It is somehow comforting.

2. I compulsively crack my jaw (damn TMJ!).

3. I don't let anyone else use my pillow. Ever.

4. I constantly apply (and re-apply) lip balm.

5. The toilet paper needs to face away from the wall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weird, indeed: I share three of your five. I sleep with a stuffed animal (and probably always will); Burt's Bees lip balm must never be more than a foot away from me because I need to apply at least once an hour and sometimes more; and TP must always be spindled OVER, not UNDER (why this isn't recognized by everyone as an inherent truth is beyond me).

Enjoying your archives, albeit mostly silently.