Dec 21, 2005

Turn offs

Slut Suzie has this great post (scroll down to December 19, 2005) highlighting her turn offs.

  • I heartily agree with her about stubble. No one likes to get their face scraped while kissing someone...especially for those of us with rather sensitive skin.

  • Too many men think that paying attention to your clit means pressing harder on it or stroking it more forcefully, whether with his tongue or his fingers.

  • I also dislike when a man play with one of my nipples and ignores the rest of the breast. There is seductive pleasure in holding back from the money spot.

  • Ask me if I like what you're doing, and give me options. "Do you like it when I move my finger back and forth, or in a circle?" Sometimes it's a lot easier that way than for me to describe in detail....because I don't always know what I want....and sometimes your surprises me in a good way.


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