Dec 8, 2005

Virgin Slut nails it

Virgin Slut makes an interesting point in this post. I happen to agree. When I am in a relationship and my partner is open to non-monogamy I tend not to seek it out as much, or at least with as much fervor.

And since I've began this sexblogging venture I do feel like I should be having hotter sex more often than I actually do. I'm not sure if it's because I've been reading more about hot sex or because I feel that I should because all these other people seem to be. And I do agree with her that if I was in fact having all this great sex I'd have practically no time for work or family. I'm certainly not chasing a number.

Sometimes it is nice to know that you can fall asleep with someone while fooling around (as she mentions) and that it is OK. It's happened to me too. And I loved it (once I got over the slight embarrassment). Though I don't know if I had the sexless orgasm. I think I just fell back asleep or got up and went home or something.

And her newfound use of the term 'missionsary sex' is fantastic, brilliant, and true:

It is missionary sex, where you has a mission to accomplish, at all cost.

Sex as love-making can be totally hot and not always saccharine sweet. Sometimes you get spanked. And sometimes you get to spank someone. But always in a loving way.

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