Apr 25, 2008


There's been some stressful stuff going on my life life and as a result I haven't been feeling very sexy or very creative lately. And I don't want to write if my heart (and other parts) isn't in it. I spend all day at work writing just to fill space. My intent with this blog is for the contents to be a reflection of who I really am.


Unknown said...

If it's not there now, it just isn't. It will be. Have a good, healthy hiatus! XXOX

Unknown said...

My pleasure would be to wine and dine you and reassure you of that look you have.....I know how to help you get it back.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Fact is, I’ll croak. You’ll croak. All of U.S. will croak someday. Don’t get so caught-up in this passing-world you lose your immortal soul. I gave-up my hard-won, black belt to fight for Heaven (I had a promising career in aikido/karate) What R you gonna give-up to rise-up? --- I'd so love to nekk with you in Heaven, girl, and ‘closenmyeyes’ is how I'd love to serve you. God bless you.