Feb 1, 2005

Your hostess

Assuming that I actually have an audience, I thought they might want to know a little about me.

I'm in my mid-20's and live in the Northeastern United States. I have 1 (male) roommate (also known as primary partner X). We used to date. It's not so bad. I (and he) are confused about our feelings for each other, like whether we even have any or are just stuck in something comfortable. But in the city we live in real estate is tight so we're both stuck in our 3 BR apartment for a while (cheap rent and parking also help ease the pain).

As Status Quo Guy said to me on Sunday "you're not really repressed or anything". He find this an attractive quality in me, and he also likes that " you know what you want". I guess that means that I can be bossy in bed and he'll find it hot.

I'll try almost anything once- except anal.....that just does not appeal to me at all (I'm not judging. If you like it, good for you, just don't make me put anything in there. If you want me to wear a strap-on and do you from behind, we can talk.)

I'm feeling more tired than inspired right now so I'll pick this up another time.
Thanks for reading.

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