Mar 20, 2005

Would it be smart?

I've spent the weekend thinking.
I don't know if I want to take this any farther. As much as I may want it (physically) I don't think I want him as my boyfriend....And I'm not into dating men with kids. Being the child of divorced partents I've been that kid and I don't care to put any child in that position. It was confusing and annoying.
His problems with his wife are his. He should deal with that first. As much of an ego boost as it might be I have no desire to be the reason for a divorce ( I was once the reason for a marriage not occuring many years ago......but that's another story for another time.....and I still feel a bit guilty about that).
I'll just have to (gasp) be an adult and keep it in my pants. Wish me luck.


Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

you cannot legislate morality. A shame really:-)

But well done on your decision--it's not easy, but at least its firm and decisive. Best way to give you YOUR peace of mind. If this guy wants his, he'll have to work harder with his wife, it seems...

Way to go!

me said...

Thanks. I try to act like an adult every now and then